The 13th Floor

Mar 29

The 13th Floor

Every writer has a “bad story” story. This is mine. Back in the day, I co-wrote, along with a friend as misguided as I, an unsolicited script for a radio show. We called it The 13th Floor, and since we didn’t know what we were doing, the title was probably the best thing about it. We were young and we needed the money. My friend Mary & I, who...

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The $3000 Stew

Mar 22

The $3000 Stew

What’s for dinner? Tonight we are having a $3000 stew. Well, actually, it’s only $2895.97, not counting the spices. But who’s counting. It started with the stove. The old one was, well, old, and looked really dated. Those little plate things under the burners were burnt, and the burners beyond burnt. I could have ignored all this (denial in the...

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MEN IN SKIRTS: The Short Version

Mar 15

MEN IN SKIRTS: The Short Version

Remember the post on Bravehearts: Men in Skirts, an exhibit at the Metropolitan Museum of Art?  It was kinda long: the piece, not the skirts. So now, here’s a new, shorter version just in time for St. Patrick’s Day. Men wearing skirts is nothing new. Besides kilts, there have been caftans, saris, and sarongs, not to mention loincloths (think of them...

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Defending The Cavewoman

Mar 08

Defending The Cavewoman

Okay, so it’s Defending the Caveman. Man, as in Rob Becker, who wrote the play. Man as in Paul Perroni, who performs it on — or pretty close to — Broadway. But I am the woman whose life it changed the first time I saw it, more than 10 years ago. Here’s the thing: you know how men leave their laundry on the floor? And how pissed you get about that?...

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Cleanliness Is Next To Impossible!

Mar 01

Cleanliness Is Next To Impossible!

So when you achieve it, you’re practically speechless. Words, as they say (using words, of course) cannot express such feelings. But I’ll try. Would you believe that the very same person who couldn’t find anything in her own apartment (I’ve Lost It !) and threatened to hire the detectives of Law & Order to find all the MII’s ...

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A Bad Year For Beauty

Feb 22

A Bad Year For Beauty

I’ve been called an aesthete. I’ve been called a lot worse, but let’s not go there. Since an aesthete is a person who loves beauty, you’d think that was a good thing. No way. Loving beauty is SO last century. And it’s not just this year. From the first time we were told to “let it all hang out,” we have been on a slippery...

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The Year Of Blogging Dangerously

Feb 14

The Year Of Blogging Dangerously

Dear Reader: Guess what? Today is not just Valentine’s day —  it’s the first anniversary of this blog! A year ago today I launched something truly dangerous: A blog that wasn’t about cats, politics, economics, celebrities, or the political economics of cats owned by celebrities. Whoa! I have nothing against cats. I like them! They like me. But...

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It’s A Mystery To Me

Feb 05

It’s A Mystery To Me

I love my book club. That’s The Geez Louise International Book Club to you, bub. AKA “GLIB.” And I beg to differ with Motoko Rich, who writes in the Times (“The Book Club With Just One Member”), that there is a “different class of reader” — people who are more serious about reading — who don’t join book clubs. People...

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