How Do I Look?

Mar 11

How Do I Look?

A man should never comment on the good looks of another woman when he’s with you. You know that, right. And you’ve drummed it into his dear little head. If not, do so immediately. Use a large polo mallet if necessary. But did you know that it’s also not a good idea for women to talk too much about the appearance of other women? I learned this on...

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You Got To Have Friends

Mar 06

You Got To Have Friends

Or do you? Yes, yes, of course you need friends. What would we do without them to laugh with, cry with, get mad at, sympathize with, envy, pity, gossip about. . . What would gossip be without friends? Celebrity trash talk just doesn’t satisfy that need for dishing the dirt on people you know. Or, as Bette Midler would say:...

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Is This Blog A Blog?

Feb 26

Is This Blog A Blog?

I’m serious. Ever since I started blogging, I’ve been besieged with doubts. Shouldn’t blogs be topical? Sometimes my posts are, but mostly they’re just what I’m thinking about at the moment. That’s topical enough for me, sure, but good enough for the Blogosphere? Shouldn’t blogs have one subject: Like politics, or food, or...

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Feb 20


I hated the ending of Downton Abbey. No, that has nothing to do with the Oscars. Just had to get it out of my system. We’re talking about movies here, folks, and something nice happened this year: there were a bunch of good ones. Really. For serious history lovers and those who want to giggle at Tommy Lee Jones in that ridiculous wig, there’s...

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My 7 Minutes & 23 Seconds of Fame

Feb 12

My 7 Minutes & 23 Seconds of Fame

(But who’s counting.) Hey! In case you didn’t notice, I did a TV appearance. Here it is:     When you’re on TV, people ask you all sorts of questions: Were you nervous?Beforehand, yes, a bit jittery. But not at all during the actual show. Maybe you zone (as in The Twilight Zone) out because it’s so surreal. But you looked so relaxed on the...

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Valentine’s Day Quiz

Feb 04

Valentine’s Day Quiz

Pat is appearing on GOOD DAY NEW YORK! Wednesday, February 6 at 9:15 AM With Rosanna Scotto and Greg Kelly — and Pat! Rosanna and Greg will take her   VALENTINE’S DAY QUIZ. You can take the quiz right here:   1. PAST LOVE You were madly in love with a guy, but he broke your heart.  Do you: A Feel grateful for the experience of having been in...

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A Day Without My Computer!

Jan 23

A Day Without My Computer!

Sometimes, the forces of the universe conspire against you. Not in any major way, like illness or worse (I can’t bring myself to actually use the word death), but in minor terrifically annoying, irritating, Larry David ways, like not being able to open that !@#$?! impregnable plastic packaging on Curb Your Enthusiasm. Or: Depriving you of the Internet for a...

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Are You Bitter Now?

Jan 10

Are You Bitter Now?

ARE YOU BITTER NOW? Take this fun and easy poll!         We want to know if readers of I CAN’T BELIEVE I’M NOT BITTER     are bitter—or not.  Scroll down after each question to get the next one.                                 ...

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