Jan 02


“No amount of planning can ever replace dumb luck”  So true. Take Christmas Eve. I do an Italian feast, and it ain’t easy serving 8 or 10 from a NYC apartment, even if you could hire the entire staff of Downton Abbey. So I plan it to a fare-thee-well (Does anyone say that any more?), running around with a royal blue clipboard that holds the...

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Antidote For Holiday Stress

Dec 17

Antidote For Holiday Stress

What follows is music to every writer’s ears: a great review.  It’s for my book, I Can’t Believe I’m Not Bitter (what else?) and it’s from Woman Around Town, a popular online publication inNew York City and Washington, DC. “An Antidote for Holiday Stress” Pat Fortunato once lost her underwear in Rome. She agreed to meet...

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Dec 03


OUR EASY AND FUN   10-QUESTION POLL RESULTS! As you know, sweet readers an evil grinch hacked into the blog   during the holiday season (Boo! Hiss!)    so we only have partial results of our poll. But we promised you something by    New Year’s Eve, so here goes: 1) Most of you are not bitter! 2) No one got 100,...

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Do You Believe In Karma?

Nov 28

Do You Believe In Karma?

My cab driver yesterday did. And not just bad karma, but the good kind, the thing you get from doing something better than the usual what’s-in-it-for-me. He should know. He deals with (so-called) human behavior daily, 6 days a week, 12 hours a day: the good, the bad, the ugly, not to mention the fare beaters. Did you have any idea how hard cabbies work? I do,...

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Contact Me

Nov 27

Contact Me

Contact I Can’t Believe I’m BitterEmail: info@i-cant-believe-im-not-bitter.comSocial Media: FacebookTwitter

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Wasting Time Online

Nov 20

Wasting Time Online

How Much Time Do You Waste Online? What a loaded question! Personally, I may take the fifth. Does wasting time include all the trolling I do on Facebook attempting to answer my Italian relatives about how I’m doing after the hurricane in New York? Or reading the rants and ravings of my previous Italian teacher who’s beginning to sound like the love child...

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The Pussy Cat Lounge

Nov 14

The Pussy Cat Lounge

“Do something out of your comfort zone.”  How often have you heard this advice? I think whoever said this meant something like try seeded rye instead of whole wheat, or take the express train and walk 3 blocks instead of sitting longer on the local. I, of course, took this advice far too literally and went out — I mean, way out —of my comfort zone,...

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Friends In High Places

Nov 05

Friends In High Places

So. What’s Your Hurricane Sandy Story? Mine starts with a bolt out of the blue, literally, which looked like lightning but was the Con Ed substation exploding on 14th street, 10 blocks away. Spoiler Alert: “Con Ed” and “exploding” in the same sentence is not a good omen. Sure enough, plunged into darkness moments later, we went madly...

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