SNL Does The iPhone5

Oct 17

SNL Does The iPhone5

If what the actor Edmund Kean supposedly said on his deathbed, “Dying is easy, comedy is hard,” is true, then the writers of SNL can go to their heavenly rewards with no regrets because the iPhone5 skit last week was comedy to die for. The skit featured a panel of nerds on a mock show called Tech Talk, with SNL regulars playing guests from C-Net, Wired...

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What Is My iPhone Trying To Tell Me?

Oct 11

What Is My iPhone Trying To Tell Me?

What Is My iPhone Trying to Tell Me? It’s making these plaintive little sounds, and I can’t get it to stop. Sometimes it’ll be seconds between the sound (A ring? A ping? A Bing? Don’t know how to describe it in words), then it goes silent for long periods of time and I think I’ve fixed it. I haven’t. I even stopped at the Verizon...

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How To Succeed At Facebook

Oct 03

How To Succeed At Facebook

Facebook Without Really Trying?   I am not a Facebook kind of gal. My friend Susan says that’s a good thing, but what does she know. Besides, I have a book I should be promoting and Facebook, they tell me, is the place to do it. Okay, call me crazy, but a site where hehehehaha is considered a witty response is not exactly catnip to a person who loves...

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Shoplifting 101

Sep 25

Shoplifting 101

The confession you are about to hear is true.  Only the names have been changed to protect . . . me. Who else? Bless me, Father . . . For I have shoplifted.It’s been a hundred years since my last confession, so let’s not go there. But about the shoplifting: There were two specific times I can remember and probably a few additional incidents I have...

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Picky, Picky, Picky

Sep 18

Picky, Picky, Picky

YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT. . . Really? So what are you: A vegetarian? A vegan? A person who doesn’t eat a)dairy b)carbs c) gluten d)all of the above? If you are none of the above, you’re seriously out of step with the rest of America. Ask any hostess worth her beans. Perhaps I should rephrase that. I’m sure there’s something dire about beans...

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Are The Housewives of NY “White Trash?”

Sep 13

Are The Housewives of NY “White Trash?”

The highlight of my day was watching Ramona and Sonia google “white trash” to see if that’s what they were. I was having a slow day. But The Housewives, definitely white, sometimes trash-talking, are a guilty pleasure I DVR for times like this. My day involved being trapped in my apartment waiting for a delivery, wearing yoga pants and a t-shirt,...

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What Would Clint Eastwood Do?

Sep 05

What Would Clint Eastwood Do?

I got some great advice from George Patton today. No, really. Okay, so technically it wasn’t directly from him. It was in one of those “Inspiring Quotes” on email. Sometimes, they inspire me to unsubscribE, but I resist the urge because I do get gems like this: “If you tell people where to go, but not how to get there, you’ll be amazed...

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Wow ‘Em With Your Wedding

Aug 27

Wow ‘Em With Your Wedding

And put some magic in your marriage. . . Co-Written with Guest Blogger, Gary Poole First the confession: Gary has no more right than I do (a phrase I’ve said more times than I’m willing to admit) to give anyone advice on marriage. Between us, we have an impressive number (none of your business) of marriages, and all but the current ones ended in divorce....

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