Apr 19


Will people ever stop coming out of the woodwork to sue Mark Zuckerberg — and leave the poor guy alone so he can enjoy his billions in peace? No way. In fact, I’m suing the Big Z myself. Hell, everybody else is. Following in the footsteps of Eduardo Saverin, Sean Parker, and the Winklevoss twins (all portrayed in the movie, The Social Network), The New York...

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What WON’T I Blog About?

Apr 11

What WON’T I Blog About?

There is practically nothing I won’t blog about, and yes, emotional traumas do make for funny anecdotes, whether they’re mine — or yours. You don’t even have to blab: I can look in your eyes, your soul, or god forbid, your closet, and make a blog out of that (I Am A Closet Case). I get ideas for blogs everywhere. Walking up Third Avenue, eating at...

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PASS THE POPCORN: Movies Are Back!

Apr 05

PASS THE POPCORN: Movies Are Back!

Tell the truth: How many movies did you go to last year? Not so fast! NETFLIX doesn’t count, or Turner Classic Movies, although Ted deserves sainthood for this channel, or even Pay For View. I said, “go to.” As in: venture forth into the actual world, buy a ticket, and sit in a theatre with other live, more or less human, beings. The national...

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I Am A Closet Case: A True Story

Mar 29

I Am A Closet Case: A True Story

  Multiple Choice: You should never peek into someone else’s closet because: A) Your mother told you not to be nosy.B) The person may still be in there.C) It will give you ideas.D) All of the above. The correct answer is: D. But mostly, C. No, it’s not nice to poke around people’s private places, even if it’s not anatomically speaking, and...

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Mar 22


  Now that’s it official (in the Wall Street Journal!) I can reveal all. Fortune Brands (no relation, unfortunately) has bought Skinnygirl, created by Bethenny Frankel, one of The Real Housewives of New York, none of whom are “housewives” and few are “real.” Who cares? I am a secret fan of Bethenny. You got a problem with that?...

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Mar 14


Long ago and far away, in a galaxy known as The Silver Age of Comics, I was broke, again, and talked my way into writing a comic for King Features: The Girl Phantom. I had gone to the editor, Bill Harris, looking for freelance work. He was very nice and extremely encouraging, except for one thing. “Women,” he said, “don’t write comics.”...

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Where Were The GROWNUPS?

Mar 03

Where Were The GROWNUPS?

So how did you like those adorable kids from Staten Island singing “Over The Rainbow” at the Oscars? Andy “Who-Needs-Caffeine” Cohen jolted the hosts over at “Morning Joe” by crassly criticizing the cute little buggers, noting that “everything has its time and its place ” and this wasn’t either. He said that the...

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Don’t Bet On The Oscars

Feb 27

Don’t Bet On The Oscars

Eons ago, when the world was young and I wasn’t so bad myself, I hosted Oscar parties complete with (gasp!) gambling, guzzling, and gaping at the gowns. Nothing like a nice, alliterative party, I always say. Things change. I stopped giving the parties and attended those of others. Still, I was enthusiastic about the Academy Awards: one year, between the...

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