The Bike Bitch

Mar 21

The Bike Bitch

An Open Letter to Eric Adams Dear Mr. Mayor:I have a quick and easy way to make you a really popular mayor—and  a hero to citizens citywide who fear for their lives:Make me the Official Commissioner Of Bicycle Safety Enforcement. . . AKA: THE BIKE BITCH.You see, your honor, I live on East 22nd Street, and I’m mad as hell about cyclists speeding, going the wrong way,...

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The Buzz About The BEE

Mar 14

The Buzz About The BEE

Are you an addictive personality? Can’t live without your morning coffee, your martini at 6, or the latest episode of Succession? Have I got a game for you: the SPELLING BEE in the New York Times. Those of you who are new to this, don’t be fooled by the cute little logo. This little innocuous looking puzzle can be, if taken to extremes, dangerous to your...

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Mar 08


What good is a “secret” that’s been around for thousands of years?Well, if it’s news to you, it could change your life. And it’s never too late to learn.The Secret, which Oprah introduced to her adoring public just before she left her show, is that everything in the universe is connected, including your thoughts, so that what you think directly affects what...

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Shorter But Not Sweeter

Mar 01

Shorter But Not Sweeter

What me? A Napoleon Complex?Certainly not! Although I have never measured more than a less-than-towering 5’2,” I never minded being what we vertically-challenged individuals of the female persuasion like to call “petite.” So much nicer than “short,” “low to the ground,” or god forfend, “squat.” But now I see in the New York Post, that bastion of rational...

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Feb 21


No, I’m not about to do a striptease. That’s not my line of work. Besides, at this point, it might scare the horses. The thing is, folks, I need to know what YOU would like me to write about so that I CAN entertain you. In my own expletive deleted way. I know you have lots of other things to do . . . and TOO MANY EMAILS!But how many of those emails make...

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It’s Valentine’s Day. Again.

Feb 13

It’s Valentine’s Day. Again.

Yes, people, it’s that time again, whether you’re ready or not. So, to cheer you up, here’s a Blast From the Past! It’s when  Pat appeared on Good Morning New York 10 years ago, with Rosanna Scotto and Greg Kelly. Pat chatted with Rosanna, sparred with Greg, and gave the VALENTINE’S DAY QUIZ. They extended the segment (Pat was on a roll) but...

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Wanna Age Exuberantly?

Feb 06

Wanna Age Exuberantly?

Have I got a book for you! It’s called The Swedish Art of Aging Exuberantly by Margareta Magnusson. (You don’t get more Swedish than that!) She also wrote a bestseller called The Gentle Art of Swedish Death Cleaning (How’s that for a title?), about clearing out our stuff (see the George Carlin clip below), so that we don’t leave a mess for our...

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Medical Whack-A-Mole

Jan 30

Medical Whack-A-Mole

Whack any moles lately?Bet you have. It’s sad but true that unless you’re obscenely young, you have a fluctuating variety of minor (we hope) medical ailments popping up all the time.It is truly like playing Whack-A-Mole. Only with doctors.Sometimes it’s actually a mole. The dermatologist gets to whack that one. But then it’s your back. Did you...

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