Mar 03


As in: I am obsessed with it these days. Aren’t you? Some of you may want to stop reading after I tell you that no, I haven’t actually gained the standard Covid 15.  I get it. Good bye and good luck. But for those of you who stick around, let me tell you that I am constantly aware of what to eat, when to eat it, how to get it, how to prepare it, and how to...

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Lemonade Gives Me Heartburn

May 20

Lemonade Gives Me Heartburn

I had a Zoom session the other day, a phrase the likes of me has never uttered until this surreal situation took over our lives and turned everything on its head. But you know that. What I wanted to tell you concerns a comment made by one of the participants in that Zoom session, sponsored by a group I belong to for retired professionals, to the effect that she’s...

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My I LOVE LUCY Moments

Apr 19

My I LOVE LUCY Moments

Who says I can’t clean my apartment? Who says that my attempts at housekeeping are doomed to failure? Who says that my domestic adventures are closer to I Love Lucy than The Donna Reed Show ? Well, me, for one. And my cleaning lady, for another. Who happens to be—by one of those coincidences Freud tells us don’t exist—named Lucy. She is now self-isolating in...

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Nov 07

more information coming soon!                      

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What is the purpose of your blog?

Nov 01

To make people laugh. You got a problem with that?

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Shouldn’t you have a higher purpose?

Oct 31

There IS no higher purpose. Especially now. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis eleifend felis et odio. Suspendisse potenti. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Curabitur mauris. Duis at odio. Quisque mauris arcu, dictum in, facilisis sed, tempus vitae, nunc. Fusce in urna. Proin iaculis. Duis eu justo id enim pretium scelerisque.

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