Love in the Time of Covid

Apr 30

Love in the Time of Covid

  I used to think about Covid the way Woody Allen did about death: I thought they’d make an exception in my case.Well, I don’t have any medical data on the Woodman, but I know what happened to me: No exception was made. I got Covid.Yes, folks, I was visited by the whole megillah: sore throat, runny nose, headache, and oh, you know. My brother called on Facetime...

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The Academy Awards Were . . . Nice

Mar 04

The Academy Awards Were . . . Nice

What can you say about the  Academy Awards Show this year? It was nice. Ellen was nice. Except for the semi-snarky bit pretending that Lisa Minnelli (in the flesh) was actually the best female impersonator ever. Lisa did not look amused. The dresses were tasteful, mostly pastel or bright, and that was . . . nice. Although I do feel the need to point out that if...

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Creative Wallowing 101

May 15

Creative Wallowing 101

 It must have been a jinx . . . After writing a blog about how men, including (or especially) my husband, react to getting colds and how I never catch them . . . Whoops. I got one. Oh nooo! What do I do now? Well, sneeze a lot. Sleep a lot. Watch a lot of Woody Allen movies. One thing I didn’t do was constantly wonder how I got the damn thing. I know how...

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My Alleged Book Club

Aug 02

My Alleged Book Club

Our book club has a few problems. Agreeing on what to read next is like Democrats and Republicans reaching a (Gasp!) compromise. Some of us (me) want classics, Diana the latest bestsellers (although she did suggest The Great Gatsy last time), and Betsy doesn’t want to do hardcovers. Setting a date to meet is harder than getting a bachelor on one of those...

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My Dinner With Elaine

Dec 08

My Dinner With Elaine

Is anything worse than a missed opportunity? Well, yes, there’s brides competing for plastic surgery, but let’s not go there. About six months ago, I planned to do an interview with Elaine Kaufman for Woman around Town, but life, as it so often does, got in the way. The sad thing was that I wanted to thank Elaine for something she did for me many years...

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