“GIRLS!” What’s Going On Here?

Apr 25

“GIRLS!” What’s Going On Here?

The least sexy sex I’ve ever seen – anywhere — appears on Girls, the much-acclaimed new show on HBO. The acclaim is deserved: it’s original, funny, sad, witty, on-point, and well written, directed, and acted. The sex, however, is dismal. Hannah, the lead character, is engaged in a joyless relationship with a guy you’d like to leap through the...

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Oct 03


  It’s official: you can fall in love with an electronic device. Take me: I’m in love with my new Apple IPhone4S.And we haven’t even met. OBJECTUM SEXUAL? I’m not talking about that weird psychological phenomenon you saw on Boston Legal, where a person is incapable of actual affection for another human, but develops a deep devotion to say, a...

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Are We Ready For Gay Weddings?

Jul 25

Are We Ready For Gay Weddings?

Gay Marrriage: Legal In NY! And you know what that means: gay weddings. As of Sunday, we’ve been having them like crazy.  But when I wrote about this two years ago, it was the first —and only— time readers didn’t leave comments. What was that about? Maybe you thought maybe it was a non-issue — that consenting adults of any gender should be able to...

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You Go, Guys!

Apr 18

You Go, Guys!

I want a wedding. Not one of my own, silly. Been there (Finally!). Done that (Amen). What I want is to be invited to a gay wedding. Soon. Adam and Steve: Are you listening? I’m not kidding about this. I have fantasies about gay weddings, especially between two guys.  I’m thinking really tasteful with all the perfect touches, like Charlotte’s in Sex and the...

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Gotham Girl Meets GOSSIP GIRL

Apr 10

Gotham Girl Meets GOSSIP GIRL

Working by day as a mild-mannered blogger for I Can’t Believe I’m Not Bitter, Pat Fortunato has been known to put on a trench-coat and dark glasses and turn into Gotham Girl, gathering info for pieces like this, which appeared in part in Woman Around Town: Neither rain, nor sleet nor gloom of public transportation can keep Gotham Girl from her appointed rounds ...

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