Don’t Blow A Fuse!

Jan 24

Don’t Blow A Fuse!

“I’m in bed with a cold” is not my favorite sentence (you know you want that final noun to be something more interesting). And it is a sentence: you are condemned to miss all the fun and wallow in your own misery. Oh well, I had some nice soup in the freezer. Just nuke it and Voila! instant comfort, right? Not exactly. Because, having realized that...

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You’re Thankful for WHAT?

Nov 20

You’re Thankful for WHAT?

Quick! Think of 10 things you’re thankful for even in this tumultuous year of 2018. If you can’t think of anything, feel free to steal from my list: 1) You don’t have to cook. Oh wait, you are cooking. Go immediately to 2).  Pass the gravy and collect 200 leftovers. 2) Drunk Uncle is not coming to dinner  because he’s mad at someone in the...

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Breaking Up (Badly) With Walter White

Oct 29

Breaking Up (Badly) With Walter White

We knew it wasn’t going to end well. But this time, Walter went too far. I could live with the drug dealing, the lying, the murders. But in the show’s finale, the erstwhile Mr. White dealt our relationship a fatal blow. He died. He looked peaceful at the end. But I’m not. I’m upset. Sigh. What do you say about a love affair that was too hot...

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