You’re Thankful for WHAT?

Nov 20

You’re Thankful for WHAT?

Quick! Think of 10 things you’re thankful for even in this tumultuous year of 2018. If you can’t think of anything, feel free to steal from my list: 1) You don’t have to cook. Oh wait, you are cooking. Go immediately to 2).  Pass the gravy and collect 200 leftovers. 2) Drunk Uncle is not coming to dinner  because he’s mad at someone in the...

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Nov 13


Cheers anyone??? Not so fast. My therapist, who is usually a font of wisdom, says that if I want to meet people I need to get out there. I had to straighten her out. There is no “there there,” as anyone who’s been “out there” will be quick to tell you. Leave me explain. I am a “regular,” although a little irregular I’d like to think, at...

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Hurricane In The Hamptons

Aug 30

Hurricane In The Hamptons

Stranded by Hurricane Irene . . . With lots to eat. Lots to drink. Lots to read. But no working toilets. Whoops. To tell the truth, we weren’t exactly in the Hamptons when Irene hit, but close enough —on the island of Shelter, where Hugh Carey’s ghost roams the golf course and so many high end restaurants are sprouting up that this lovely getaway may end...

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