You Know You Love Gossip Girl

May 01

You Know You Love Gossip Girl

See you in September . . . Or, on August 31, if you believe the press releases. That’s when Gossip Girl returns after its summer vacation. But wait! There’s one more episode this season, and you don’t want to miss it —not if you expect to communicate with anyone under the age of Modern Maturity (or whatever that AARP publication is calling itself these days). “Is it...

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Gotham Girl Meets GOSSIP GIRL

Apr 10

Gotham Girl Meets GOSSIP GIRL

Working by day as a mild-mannered blogger for I Can’t Believe I’m Not Bitter, Pat Fortunato has been known to put on a trench-coat and dark glasses and turn into Gotham Girl, gathering info for pieces like this, which appeared in part in Woman Around Town: Neither rain, nor sleet nor gloom of public transportation can keep Gotham Girl from her appointed rounds ...

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