The Bike Bitch

Apr 15

The Bike Bitch

Open Letter to  Bill de Blasio Dear Mr. Mayor: I have a quick and easy way to make you a popular mayor— or at least a hero to citizens afraid for their lives: Make me the Official Commissioner Of Bicycle Safety Enforcement,      AKA The Bike Bitch. You see, your honor, I live on East 22nd Street, and I’m mad as hell about cyclists speeding, going the wrong way, and...

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What About Snogging?

Mar 05

What About Snogging?

Everything sounds so much classier when the British say it. Take “snogging.” Celebs in the British tabloids are always photographed snogging in some secluded rendezvous or other, and I assumed that this was just a nice way to describe kissing and hugging, indicating to the press and to those who love this sort of gossip— which appears to be most of the world judging...

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YO, UNIVERSE! Revisited

Feb 11

YO, UNIVERSE! Revisited

What good is a “secret” that’s been around for thousands of years? Well, if it’s news to you, it could change your life. The Secret, which Oprah introduced to her adoring public just before she left her show, is that everything in the universe is connected, including your thoughts, so that what you think directly affects what happens to you. In fact, you get...

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Don’t Blow A Fuse!

Jan 24

Don’t Blow A Fuse!

“I’m in bed with a cold” is not my favorite sentence (you know you want that final noun to be something more interesting). And it is a sentence: you are condemned to miss all the fun and wallow in your own misery. Oh well, I had some nice soup in the freezer. Just nuke it and Voila! instant comfort, right? Not exactly. Because, having realized that...

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I’m Never Ready For Christmas

Dec 16

I’m Never Ready For Christmas

It’s December 10 as I write this post, but I can safely say that whenever you read it, I still won’t be ready. Wasn’t it just summer when I was worrying about going out in public in a bathing suit? Wasn’t it just Halloween when I was passing out packets of hyperactivity-producing goodies to cute little gremlins who seemed shocked when asked whether they wanted...

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You’re Thankful for WHAT?

Nov 20

You’re Thankful for WHAT?

Quick! Think of 10 things you’re thankful for even in this tumultuous year of 2018. If you can’t think of anything, feel free to steal from my list: 1) You don’t have to cook. Oh wait, you are cooking. Go immediately to 2).  Pass the gravy and collect 200 leftovers. 2) Drunk Uncle is not coming to dinner  because he’s mad at someone in the...

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The Little Geranium…….. That Could

Oct 21

The Little Geranium……..         That Could

Don’t you just love it when you’re right? When you’re totally vindicated? When THEY were wrong and YOU were right. . . All right, so it’s only a plant we’re talking about. And although it does have a fondness for imported sparkling water, it’s a modest little thing. Not an rare orchid, not a spectacular rose, not something exotic like a bird of paradise, but a...

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The Facebook Follies

Sep 18

The Facebook Follies

Just when I think I’m out . . . they pull me back in. Every time I decide that Facebook is at best a waste of time, at worst a thing that makes me crazy. . . . Something happens that makes me hit that FB icon again and I’m back in thrall. I’m sure you’ve heard  that spending too much time on social media (how much is too much we wonder) can be negative...

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