Too Much Information!

Aug 09

Too Much Information!

IS PRIVACY DEAD? You have to ask? With a few clicks on Google or Bing, you can find out almost anything about almost anyone. Isn’t it amazing just how much dirt we all seem to crave -and of course, the media loves giving it to us. Sure, if you’re a celbrity, you give up privacy. But really! Long before the ghoulish media coverage of Michael...

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The Letter You Can’t Refuse

Aug 01

The Letter You Can’t Refuse

Wanna buy an apartment in New York? The good news is: prices are down and so are mortgage rates. The bad news is, you’re going to need a letter of recommendation. Here in the Big Apple, you not only have to plunk down an obscene amount of money for a space you’d laugh at if you didn’t know better, you also have to get past the dreaded coop board....

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My Free Gift From Estee Lauder

Jul 27

My Free Gift From Estee Lauder

What do women want? Love? Sure. Money? Of course. Cosmetics? Now you’re talking! Rita Rudner nails it in her very funny routine about those “free gifts” — you know the ones, where you buy something you don’t need to get a bunch of things you don’t want. It’s twue, so twue.  I can rationalize falling for this a few summers ago because I was...

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Nothing Doing!

Jul 23

Nothing Doing!

A minute ago, I tripped on the oriental rug in my office. Bad carpet! And if I weren’t so naturally graceful (not), I could have fallen. And if I had fallen, I might have hurt myself (Ouch!), and the rest of the afternoon and maybe the evening or even many days thereafter would have been taken up with dealing with that. I mean, I could have sprained an ankle,...

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Jul 09


I   AM   EXPERIENCING   T E M P O R A R Y   T E C H N I CA L   D I F F I C U L T I E S Not surprising, considering that I’m afraid of my own alarm clock. No. Really. It’s a smart clock that automatically adjusts for daylight savings time, making it far, far, smarter than I. My old clock was dumb. It would start...

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Jul 04


They say that if there are no fireworks in your relationship, you’re in trouble. I was in trouble. The guy I eventually married and I — the operative word here being “eventually”— were about to have our first Fourth of July together. That, as my friend would tell me, is such a GIRLY thing to say. Well, yes. Yes, it is. But I take these things seriously and I wanted...

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Jun 27


Governors: What the hell is up?? Let me rephrase that: Why are governors all over America running around  like rabbits in heat, and why are they not even smart enough to cover their tracks? Right here in the Empire State, we had Elliott Spitzer. Or someone had him. Whatever. The press had a ball with this story: articles in the Post and News used every pun and...

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I Wanna Wear White!

Jun 22

I Wanna Wear White!

Will it ever be summer this year? I mean real summer, as in wear-white-pants-summer? Sandals-even-at-night summer? You-dont-even-care-that-your-arms-are-bare summer? Don’t know. So far, it’s been “unseasonably cool,” as the weatherpersons like to say. What’s cool about it, I say. As for the amount of rain we’ve had in June: when you start to see animals...

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