Hate Fall, Love Halloween

Oct 30

Hate Fall, Love Halloween

I hate to tell you this, but Fall sucks. Yeah, yeah, the leaves are pretty. That’s because they’re dead. You want foliage, you like the falling leaves of red and orange? Fine. Makes a nice song. But dead leaves are not a good sign. Trust me. And yes, the days are not as hot as the stifling days of summer. That’s because winter is coming, when days...

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Fully Committed

Apr 24

Fully Committed

Hi, Sara: As Reservations Clerk in Chief (How did I get this friggin’ job?), “One ringy dingy” I am here to report that we will be back from Ocean Grove Sunday afternoon after all, so we could meet you for an early dinner. How early do you want to make it? Five? Six? I checked with Scarlatto, which is in the theatre district (where you’ll be) and...

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