The 11 Stages of Packing Again. . .

Jul 02

The 11 Stages of Packing Again. . .

Yes, yes, I know. Grief has only seven stages. But this is more complicated. Stage 1: Regret: Why am I taking this trip? Why? Because it’s a Baltic cruise, a dream of mine, that’s why! This cruise goes to places like Copenhagen, where I’ll finally get to see the Little Mermaid, to Gothenburg, Sweden, for which I have a handwritten itinerary from the only...

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The War on Men

Jan 17

The War on Men

What can these dancers tell us about sexual harassment? Read on. When I was young and cute and a photographer’s rep in New York City, I was propositioned so often it was like regular bowel movements. Seriously. One prince of a fellow told me, in  these words, that if I didn’t put out, I wouldn’t get the job. I didn’t get the job. Luckily, he was one of many art...

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The Emmys, Mad Men, Glee, And Me

Aug 29

The Emmys, Mad Men, Glee, And Me

OMG, last night DVR stopped being my BFF and had me saying WTF! After watching the Emmys for an hour, we decided to record the rest and switch to Masterpiece Theatre, because Inspector Lewis is rather cool in his own curmudgeonly way, and there are no commercials on PBS. Okay, no problem. Lewis first, Emmys later. We’d skip the commercials and cut off the...

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The Eleven Stages of Packing

Jul 26

The Eleven Stages of Packing

Yes, yes, I know. Grief has only seven stages. But this is more complicated. Stage 1: Regret: Why am I taking this trip? Why? Because it’s a cruise on the Queen Mary 2 (a dream of mine), that’s why, and it leaves from Brooklyn, a cab ride away. No plane! No security lines! No being trapped in a flying sardine can with people who mess up the bathroom in...

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Jan 12


Why are all the shows I love on TV on vacation? I’m not. Why should they be? Take Bored to Death. It took me two or three episodes to get hooked on the improbably loveable characters and to find myself humming the theme song even though I don’t quite get the words  — and then, just like that, the season was over. Sure, I can watch it on HBO On...

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