Are You Your Christmas Card?

Dec 20

Are You Your Christmas Card?

Are you: Serious? Silly? Snarky? Sentimental? Sarcastic? Stylish? Too tired to lick a stamp? When it comes to Holiday Greetings (the politically correct term although not nearly alliterative enough for a title), I am almost All of the Above. I careen each year, if it is possible to have an annual careening, between the light and the lovely, hitting everything in...

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Fabulous Fourth

Jul 01

Fabulous Fourth

If there are no fireworks in your relationship, you’re in trouble. I was in trouble. The guy I eventually married — the key word here, folks, is “eventually” — and I were about to have our first Fourth of July together. Yes, that SUCH a girly thing to say. But I take these things seriously and I wanted there to be, well, fireworks! Literally....

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