I’ll Drink To That! a day

May 17

I’ll Drink To That! a day

So? Who Would You Rather Have A Beer With? Personally, I don’t drink beer. And, of course, that’s a silly way to choose a candidate for any kind of office. But a piece in the New York Times about U.S. Presidents and their drinking habits got me thinking. About drinking. And Presidents. And stuff. In the 2004 election, a lot of people thought that...

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May 09


Did you hear the one about the woman and the 12 double-yolk eggs? That was me! On my last post,  It’s No Yoke! This blog is not turning into a health & nutrition site (I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter is SO taken), but I see by your comments (and mine) that we’re all a bit freaked about food. John Sposato wants to know if the eggs —...

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It’s No Yoke!

May 02

It’s No Yoke!

Actually, it’s “yolk” — too many yolks. And it ain’t funny. In the last carton of jumbo eggs I brought home from the supermarket, all 12 of them had double yokes. The whole dozen! Does anyone remember when getting even one was a rarity? When we thought it was a sure sign of good luck? If that’s true, a dozen lucky things will happen to...

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“GIRLS!” What’s Going On Here?

Apr 25

“GIRLS!” What’s Going On Here?

The least sexy sex I’ve ever seen – anywhere — appears on Girls, the much-acclaimed new show on HBO. The acclaim is deserved: it’s original, funny, sad, witty, on-point, and well written, directed, and acted. The sex, however, is dismal. Hannah, the lead character, is engaged in a joyless relationship with a guy you’d like to leap through the...

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Women And Their Hair

Apr 17

Women And Their Hair

The entire economy would collapse tomorrow if women were satisfied with the hair nature gave them. Satisfied? Don’t be ridiculous. We spend gazillions of dollars on products and services to change our manes. We dye our hair, fry our hair, curl it, straighten it, streak it, bleach it, cut it short, grow it long, braid it, dread it (literally and figuratively),...

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Women And Their Hair

Apr 17

Women And Their Hair

The entire economy would collapse tomorrow if women were satisfied with the hair nature gave them. Satisfied? Don’t be ridiculous. We spend gazillions of dollars on products and services to change our manes. We dye our hair, fry our hair, curl it, straighten it, streak it, bleach it, cut it short, grow it long, braid it, dread it (literally and figuratively),...

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Apr 11


Sadists surround us. “Friends” who tell you how nice you look— today. Bus drivers who pull away as you frantically knock on the door. In the rain. Writers of the tax code. I could go on, but why? You already know who the greatest sadists of our times are: the people who design packaging. I CAN’T OPEN THIS! And I need that smart phone now! CDs?...

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I, The Jury . . . Or Am I?

Apr 05

I, The Jury . . .      Or Am I?

I’m ready, willing (sorta), and able. Summoned to serve, I am here in the jury waiting room, waiting for something to happen. Waiting seems to be the operative word. Are you sure the jurors on Perry Mason started this way? What About The Ones on Law & Order? Well, them too, I guess. According to Diane Sawyer in the “inspirational” video...

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