Nothing Is Simple: Wedding Bell Blues

Jun 16

Nothing Is Simple: Wedding Bell Blues

I  just got an e-mail, The ABCs of Living Well, the letter S standing for “Seek Simplicity.” Oh yeah? Listen closely. Seek all you want, my lovelies, nothing is simple. As you may know, I got married after living with my guy for 19 years. (Confessions Of An Encore Bride)  I wasn’t afraid of marriage (hey, I really know this man), but I was afraid of...

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Confessions Of An Encore Bride

Mar 20

Confessions Of An Encore Bride

Although baby, it’s still cold out there, this is the first day of Spring, and that’s as good a time as any to talk about the subjects of l-l-l-love and m-m-m-marriage. Which two things, I can now sincerely say — without bitterness (or stuttering) — are not always mutually exclusive. It was not always thus. My romantic escapades often played out like the...

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