The E-Mail From Hell

Dec 05

The E-Mail From Hell

No, it’s not a Nigerian letter or yet another solicitation from Omaha Steaks (how many sirloins do these people think I can eat?). It’s a death threat. Really!!! “Hello,” it begins, cordially enough . . . “How are you doing am nick Nichols (the name has been changed to protect whoever) some one you’ve offended before and now wants...

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Can Children’s Books Ruin Our Lives?

Jun 23

Can Children’s Books Ruin Our Lives?

  Can WHAT do WHAT? WHAT COULD  BE WRONG WITH CHILDREN’S BOOKS? Am I saying that Pat The Bunny (no relation) can warp young minds, or that the Little Engine that Could shouldn’t have? Well, I’ve just been to a play, The Misanthrope, that led me to think that.FYI: According to my trusty dictionary on my trusty I-Mac, a misanthrope is: a person...

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