Don’t Call Me!

Oct 02

Don’t Call Me!

Things ChangeRemember, fellow females (and there’s one oxymoron I can live with), when we were warned never to “wait by the telephone” for HIM to call?And, sacre bleu!  We would never ever ever call him first!Then that changed If you wanted to talk to him, you went right ahead and dialed his number. And you certainly had it.If you got a recorded message, you...

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FREE Advice For Freshmen

Aug 15

FREE Advice For Freshmen

Do you get those emails whose main function is to remind you how old you’re getting – and how young the rest of the world is? The latest one, at least, had interesting information to process, assuming that any of us above the Age of Consent are still able to process information. It was about Freshmen  —  the kids who are starting college this Fall....

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