Nice Show You Got There

Nov 06

Nice Show You Got There

Not for nothing, but I really enjoyed God of Carnage even though I had to pay full price and ended up sitting in the back of the mezzanine. Hey, a girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do. And these tickets are hot! As you probably know, one of the characters is played by Tony Soprano. I mean, James Gandolfini. Oh, get real. It is impossible to look at...

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Oct 28


The Sopranos set off a war among the Fortunato Family, as I suspect it did with Italian-Americans across the nation. On the one side were those who saw it as a good show, well written, well acted, well photographed (we’ll get to that later). They watched it every week. You got a problem with that? Well, yes, yes, I do. And so did my father, and so did one of...

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