Jun 19


This is not a crude curse, but merely a suggestion. And possibly a good one at that. Because I’ve just been to uPublishU, an all-day seminar at Book Expo America, and if I learned one thing it’s this: Jeez, has publishing changed! Once upon a time, you wrote a book, probably on a typewriter, possibly with a quill pen, then you looked for an agent and/or...

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“GIRLS!” What’s Going On Here?

Apr 25

“GIRLS!” What’s Going On Here?

The least sexy sex I’ve ever seen – anywhere — appears on Girls, the much-acclaimed new show on HBO. The acclaim is deserved: it’s original, funny, sad, witty, on-point, and well written, directed, and acted. The sex, however, is dismal. Hannah, the lead character, is engaged in a joyless relationship with a guy you’d like to leap through the...

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