I Look Good In Orange

May 03

I Look Good In Orange

Admit it. There’s something illegal you really, really want to do. You don’t do it because you’d probably go to jail, your mother told you it was wrong, you’d probably go to jail, it would be immoral, you’d probably go to jail, it would be bad for your karma, and you’d probably go to jail. You do the crime, you do the time. And...

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I’ve Lost It! (AKA Law and Disorder)

Feb 15

I’ve Lost It! (AKA Law and Disorder)

As a result of watching far too many episodes of too many versions of Law and Order, I have become incredibly jaded, desensitized to the viciousness of violent crime, and suspicious of everyone. But that’s not the problem. The thing that really gets to me about these shows is that when they search a person’s apartment (that’s “toss the...

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